And more stairs
This week was even more stairs prep. I did a another pass pulling out staples and it seemed like every time I looked more staples cropped up. Most snapped when I tried to pry out so it was mostly using the locking pliers to rip them out. A few I couldn't get a hold of and started tapping them down.
I kept sanding but it seemed like the old finish got so glossy that it was no longer coming up so I went back to the scraper. The scraper worked well pulling up the top layer of paint and stuck with the scraping for the bulk of the work. I then was doing hand sanding to reach the spots the orbital sander couldn't hit.
After I had things sanded, I started applying wood filler to the holes in the wood and the bigger dents. I'm not looking to get a glassy smooth surface so I think I'm going to wrap up sanding next time and start on painting. I also met with a carpenter to replace the OCB step with one made out of pine.
More sanding. Still can't believe how bad the old painters were with all of the white paint splotches everywhere.
Doing research it seems like mixed opinions whether I need to prime stairs before painting. Most say I need to get porch paint for the stairs, but I want them in custom colors and it seems like Behr doesn't offer that, but my paint chips are from Behr. I'm thinking of going to a paint store to match the color and see if I can get a custom porch paint color.
This is as far as I'm going sanding. Starting to fill in holes with wood filler.
To finish up I started wiping things down with TSP and Shop Vac'ing all of the dust up. Next week will be the start of priming/painting.